We’ve heard it all. Here are some tips for how to give a great wedding toast that is memorable… in all the right ways.

Keep it Short – The number one tip is keep your speech short. We recommend aiming for 3-5 minutes. Anything over that starts to drag.
Introduce Yourself – Start off by giving your name and relationship to the bride and groom. Whether you are the bride’s father or best friend from college, share your relationship so guests can understand who you are!
Tell a Story – Start a list in the notes app on your phone in the months leading up to the wedding of different stories you could share. Now, when a great story comes to you in line at the coffee shop or in the shower, you can take notes to jog your memory for when you sit down to write your toast. Bonus points if your story includes the spouse or when you were little talking about your future spouses’ qualities, etc.
Tell A Joke, But Keep it Tasteful – We’ve seen it before. The uncomfortable roast of the bride, or the inside joke that isn’t explained to everyone. Don’t be afraid to tell a joke or two, but just make sure you aren’t going to cause too much embarrassment for the bride or groom.
Address the Couple – Now that you’ve shared a story about the bride or the groom, address the couple together! Whether it is giving advice to the newlyweds from a roommate’s perspective, or sharing your well wishes, addressing the couple is a great way to start to wrap up your toast.
Don’t Forget to Practice – Practice makes perfect! Don’t forget to practice your toast – you’ve got this!
Lastly, Limit Your Alcohol – This one goes without saying. Make sure to limit your drinks before your toast (especially if you are giving your toast before you eat dinner!) Maybe stick to 1-2 drinks beforehand, and then you can let loose after your toast. Cheers!